Free For Charity
Welcome to Free For Charity Hosting, A project of Free For Charity providing free domains and hosting services to other Non-Profit Organizations

Free For Charity
FFC HOSTING IS THE FIRST US BASED 501C3 NONPROFIT ‘CHARITY FOR CHARITIES’ providing free domains and hosting services to other Non-Profit Organizations
About FFC Hosting
FFCHosting is a project of Free For Charity. After seeing how small nonprofits were often unaware of the resources available to them as it related to technology and observing how charities were preyed upon while in the up to 18 months leading up to IRS 501(c)3 designation; Free For Charity was founded to help charities avoid these costly problems and focus on doing the great work they need to do.
Help us in our cause
If you don’t need a domain name today but want to support us please share this page or donate directly so we can provide more and more services to non-profits
Become a part of our Mission
(NOT-FOR-PROFIT, PRE-501(C)3, FULL 501(C)3)
Ready to Get Started Now?
Client Testimonials
How can you afford to give away free domain names?
As a 501(c)3 charity ourselves we seek individual, business, and grant sources of funding. At current, free for charity has not received a grant specifically for domain names or hosting but uses individual and business contributions to fund this program.
Are you really a Charity?
Yes, We have had IRS designation since 2014 and have been building our systems and testing or support for several years. While charities for charities are rare they do exist and in fact fill an important need in reducing overhead expenses for other nonprofits. Our IRS designation number (EIN) is 46-2471893. You can see our guidestar profile here. We are proud to also recommend other charities for charities that inspired us to create this nonprofit.
Where do you get your domain name packages?
We are a registered reseller of eNom domain names. eNom has graciously provided us with a Platinum account to support other non profits providing the lowest cost domain names for a charity of our size. As we get more and more charities into the domain system we expect the costs to to drop even further.
Why do I not see hosting as an option?
We have a large backlog for new sites and support. We try to process at least 1 new charity into the full hosting system per week.
Ways to get in faster
- If you already have your 501(c)3 get your free domain from us (
- If you can provide your own qualified WordPress webmaster you may be moved up in the list.
If I am an individual or business and donate money for a domain package to Free for Charity is this tax-deductible?
While any official tax guidance should come from your accountant or other tax advisor Free For Charity is a registered 501(c)(3) organization and donations are tax-deductible. Our IRS designation number (EIN) is 46-2471893. Upon checkout you will receive a receipt to provide to your accountant. Specifically, if you represent a business you can elect to deduct this as an expense versus as a donation depending on the guidance of your tax advisor.