Free For Charity
Welcome to Free For Charity Domains, A project of Free For Charity providing free domains and hosting services to other Non-Profit Organizations

Free For Charity
Welcome to Free For Charity Domains, A project of Free For Charity providing free domains and hosting services to other Non-Profit Organizations
Dear Prospective FFC Domain Supported Charity
** Please read this full page top to bottom before taking any actions as it has several follow-on tasks for you as a new domain owner / domain transfer to**
You will have to perform several steps to get full use of your domain once ordered.
The first step is always to complete the FFC on-boarding
Ready to Get Started Now?
To order a free domain name with Free For Charity you must sign up for a Cloudflare account and also sign up at our hosting project site FFC Hosting. Before singing up at our site please read this full page to make sure you are ready to complete all steps.

Step 1
Set up your Cloudflare account

Step 2
Go to our domain management system page

Step 3
Select Register a New Domain

Step 4
Change your DNS to point to Cloudflare

Step 3
Select Register a New Domain

Step 4
Follow the following steps
- Use your organizational account
e.g. [email protected] - Sign up at CloudFlare For Help (CloudFlare Setup Help) - Leave the tab open when you buy your domain name
Follow the following steps
- Select only a .org domain
i. Follow all steps for the checkout
ii. Do not forget to put in the coupon code found in the email you recived from the FFC Onboarding Acceptance or it will charge you money. This is required to stop spam purchases and to ensure only charities use the service - NOTE: You must include payment method as this is a commercial system and even with a $0 invoice it will not ‘run’ each year if it does not see payment. We recommend Paypal and ACH as these are the most stable.
- NOTE: If you have a domain already with another domain registrar (e.g. godaddy, enom) we do not recommend that you move your domain name without calling us first. In either case make sure it is already verified in your Cloudflare account
- NOTE: As soon as you complete the purchase you will be brought into the account area. It is very important that you create an additional ‘user’ in the users tab. We require at least 2 points for contact for a domain name and to support recovery for your charity
i. Check your junk mail and spam boxes for all notices and mark as ‘not spam’

Change your DNS to point to Cloudflare


Step 1
Check for emails about verification to the email address you used to register this domain

Step 1
Check for emails about verification to the email address you used to register this domain
There are three main things to keep in mind.

Check for emails about verification to the email address you used to register this domain

Step 2
You can manage your domain anytime by accessing our system with the account you created at checkout.

Step 2
You can manage your domain anytime by accessing our system with the account you created at checkout.
Have any Question
If at anytime 72 hours after your order has been placed you have any questions about these verifications please contact

Step 1
Select an email provider
Free For Charity recommends Microsoft as your email provider as it is free to charities and comes with many additional services at no cost

Step 2
Set up a Microsoft 365 Business Premium account
Follow the following simple steps to set up your Microsoft 365 Business Premium Account
- Go to ( and register now or ‘login’
- Complete the Microsoft 365 forms and get your initial ‘approved’ status
- ‘buy’ the Microsoft 365 Business Premium package
1. At current you get 10 free accounts - NOTE; If you are Pre-501c3 or not a nonprofit then you can buy the plan directly
1. (
2. It is worth the cost while you work to get 501(c)3 Status
- NOTE: Save the account name and password that you set up as well as the sub domain e.g.
1. We use for our charity password management - Link your new domain to the Microsoft 365 admin center
1. Follow all steps in the Microsoft Guide “Add a Domain to Microsoft 365”
2. (
3. You will need your Cloudflare Username and Password from before but if you are still logged in this will help
4. If you get stuck, you can put in a ticket with Microsoft and you can text Clarke Moyer at 520-222-8104
DOMAIN NAME COUPON CODE Thank you for choosing us to help with your domain name and email setup. To get the code please complete the on boarding form for either 501c3 or pre-501c3 and you will see the code in the email confirmation that comes after you finish. If you run into any questions, contact Clarke Moyer (520) 222-8104.
Ready to Get Started Now?
New site design has a backlog with Free for Charity but please reach out to get on the list for a new free charity website. We try to support 100 Charities a year. If you have your own design team and just need our hosting, plugins, and themes; follow the steps at either the 501c3 or pre-501c3 onboarding pages to complete next steps.